Tech Redirect
The Struggle - Super Combo Deluxe

The Struggle

Date Published: March 15, 2022

PSSST. Wanna Share it?



Panel 1:

A man in a deer costume is staring at his phone in the dark. On the screen we can see he’s tapping away texting someone. “Help! Can’t talk. Crzy woman trying to kill me,” says the bubbles on his screen. 

Panel 2:

We can now see the screen of his phone, he’s texting his mom. She’s texted back “Who is this?!?!?!?” with a bunch of emojis. “I GOT A NEW PHONE!!!” then another bunch of random emojis. After the text bubbles we see that she accidently took a photo of half of her face and sent it in the text message. 

Panel 3:

We still see the screen of the phone. He’s texted back “Gerald. Your son! Call help for me.” The next message from his mom is just a bunch of random letters. Then she replies “It doesn’t say gerald!!!!” followed by a bunch of random emojis. “New PHONE!! I DON’T RECOGNIZE THIS NUMBER!!!” along with some emojis. 

Panel 4:

The last frame we see the man, with an annoyed look on his face as we notice in the next text message she’s accidently sent a screenshot of herself playing a mobile game.