Papa Prophecy
Political Energy
Chip Conspiracy - Super Combo Deluxe

Chip Conspiracy

Date Published: September 7, 2020

Sharing is caring. I think?



Panel 1:

An older grandpa and a kid are standing around a table. “Alexa. What’s today’s date?” the older man says. “Ha ha! You don’t have Alexa. That’s a Pringles can!” the kid says as he points to the obvious Pringle can in front of his grandpa.

Panel 2:

“Whoa. What the hell are Pringles?” the old man asks. “Potato chips, Grandpa.” the kid replies looking annoyed.

Panel 3:

“Ooooh. Those sound delicious!” the older man says, while rubbing his chin.

Panel 4:

“Alexa. Order Pringles,” the old man says while talking into the Pringles can. The kid is now squinting and holding the bridge of his nose with his fingers, obviously frustrated.