Costumed Subparhero
Beast Not Be Late
The Doctor is Strange - Super Combo Deluxe

The Doctor is Strange

Date Published: October 19, 2020

Sharing is caring. I think?



Panel 1:

A man is sitting in a doctor’s office, with a cast on his leg and crutches propped up on the examination table. The doctor is holding the patient’s clipboard up in the air. The doctor has hooks for hands. 


“Hi. I’m Dr. Hale. I see we’re taking your leg cast off today.” the doctor says, squinting while looking at the clipboard. 


“y… y.. your hands!” the patient says, pointing to the doctors hands.

Panel 2:

“HAHAHA! Gotcha! Fake Hooks! A little something to lighten the mood.” the doctor says, laughing. 

The patient starts laughing nervously.

Panel 3:

“Now let’s see what we have to get that sucker off.” the doctor says while looking in the office cabinet. We see a bunch of random items in the closet.

Panel 4:

We now see that the doctor has found a circular saw and he’s about to cut the patient’s cast with it. The patient is bracing as we see the doctor is missing a couple of his fingers.