New Glasses
Spooky Spoofer - Super Combo Deluxe

Spooky Spoofer

Date Published: September 9, 2021

Sharing is caring. I think?



Panel 1:

A woman, holding a phone is talking to a man sitting at a chair and typing on a computer. “Grandma texted me. She’s selling car warranties from a random number,” she says while looking at her phone. 

Panel 2:

“Yeeeeah. I think the same number just invited me to video chat,” the man at the computer says while glaring at the screen. 

Panel 3:

“Hi Nana! It’s David. Great to see you’re alive again!” the man says while waving at the computer screen. 

Panel 4:

“Yes. Hello. This is alive grandma. You need car warranty,” a man says on the computer screen. We can see he is dressed in a wig, pearls, a pink shirt and is visibly sweating. There are computers in the background.