Meet the Mob Family
Date Published: August 24, 2020
Sharing is caring. I think?
Panel 1:
A guy and his date are in a living room. She’s sitting on the couch while he’s standing. “I’m gonna go make some popcorn for the movie,” he says. “That sounds wonderful,” she responds.
Panel 2:
A ugly looking cat comes from behind the couch over the woman’s shoulder. “Oh my! Do I sense a playful kitty behind me?” the woman says, looking at the cat. “Wait, did you say kitty? OH MY GOD. She got loose, Don’t move!” says the man from the next room.
Panel 3:
“Just don’t make eye contact.. Unless you’re ready to challenge her,” the man says from the next room. The cat is now staring at the woman with its wonky eyes.
Panel 4:
The cat is now right next to the woman’s face, staring at her with weird cross-eyes, an underbite and teeth sticking out of her mouth. The woman is looking straight forward, terrified and sweating.
Panel 5:
The cat starts pulling back slowly, squinting its eyes. The woman is still staring forward, sweating and biting her lip.
Panel 6:
The cat is walking away with the woman’s purse. “My purse,” the woman says while crying. The man hiding behind the couch says “It’s hers now. We’ll get you another one.”