Delivery Hero
Date Published: August 17, 2020
PSSST. Wanna Share it?
Panel 1:
A guy is sitting on the toilet in the bathroom talking on the phone. “I’m afraid I can’t meet you for lunch today, but I’ll be with you in spirit!” the voice says on the phone. “Whatever, Jerry” the man on the toilet responds.
Panel 2:
All of the sudden we see a cloud appear and “POOF”. This scares the man on the toilet, he drops his phone.
Panel 3:
We see a guy stuck in the wall, he’s transparent like a spirit. Both men are scared of what is happening. “What the HELL. Where am I? Dammit, I’m stuck!” says the man in the wall. “Jerry?” the man on the toilet responds, while scared.
Panel 4:
The last panel we see that the bathroom was in a fast food restaurant, 2 employees are serving food and looking shocked as they see a naked butt coming out of the wall where the bathroom is, it’s the spirit of the man who is stuck.